The guild has leveld many times and the webmaster [relentless] has just been to lazy to update the awesome members of fury. So the guild is now level 49 and is continuing growing stronger! LONG LIVE FURY
Remember everyone we have paddocks and houses bought by members that chose to help out the guild =)
They are located at:
Amakna Small House (3, 0) 
Amakna Large House (3,-1)

 Astrub (9, -14): 6-slots 
Brakmar (-27, 39): 3-slots

Earlier the guild leveled to level 45. This means our percs are stronger, our guild can grow larger, and that we are all doing our part for the guild!
Great job everyone we appreciate your hard work and continued dedication to the guild.
Congratulations to Marina-Ena, Relentless and Parantaja-fin, the newly
  elected SiCs for April 2012! We hope they will continue to help the guild move
  forward, as have the retired SiCs Mooxe, Xtra-Soggy and Jean-Red. For those who
  don’t know Relentless and Parantaja are also our volunteer guild

 Your Current Officers: 
Leader: Lucky Lukey
SiC: Relentless
SiC: Parantaja Fin
SiC: Marina-Ena
Diplomat: Zateer
Main Officer: Mooxe
Main Officer: Jean-Red
Main Officer: Powerful-Range